Cheryl Goldhart, Lecturing on Chartered Business Valuator’s in Family Law – Current Issues in Canadian Practice – Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario

Dispute Resolution

Cheryl Goldhart was a speaker on current issues relating to Chartered Business Valuator’s in Family Law for the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO). This event, hosted by CBV Institute and FDRIO, was an opportunity for chartered business valuators to delve into some of the complexities relating to family law.

During the event, Cheryl was involved in the portion of the Event dedicated to ‘Cross-examination of a CBV in Family Law’. This session was a practical demonstration of what a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV) can expect during cross-examination in a typical family law case. Cheryl, along with others on her panel, provided a realistic portrayal of the process, offering invaluable insights to the participants.

The Event also included a session on the valuation of and impact on income in Family Law matters related to Employee Stock Options, Performance Shares, and/or Restricted Stock Units. This session brought clarity to the overlapping issues of value in property, income inclusion, and identifying possible “double-dipping”. It reflected the Event’s commitment to addressing advanced and practical issues in family law.

Another highlight of the Event was the discussion on the role of CBVs in family law dispute resolution and the various forms of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR). This session explored how the role of CBVs has evolved in ADR and the future direction of this role. It was an insightful discussion that shed light on the changing dynamics of family dispute resolution including family mediation and family arbitration.

Cheryl is of the view that the Practical Issues in Family Law event provided a great opportunity for inter-disciplinary collaboration between family lawyers and CBV’s and is looking forward to future events with the CBV Institute and FDRIO.

Contact Cheryl for any inquiries you may have regarding family mediation, arbitration, mediation-arbitration or her unique service, Rapid Resolution – the One Day solution.

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